ECPS enters Phase 2 of GIANT RDC in Easton

As we have entered Phase 2 of our project, just look how huge this Magnavale coldstore is! Again, a massive well done to all involved on this giant project.

The building is 42m high with a capacity of 101,000 pallets and will be fully automated and powered 100% by renewable energy.

Photo by McLaren Construction Group


I am proud to announce that East Coast Pipe & Fittings Ltd has officially become a member of EEEGR (East of England Energy Group). A big thank you to Karim Massaad for all the support and getting us all set up! We look forward to being part of the EEEGR family and being able to further our support, business and networking opportunities to the energy industries

#eeegr #eastofengland #energyindustry #renewableenergy #nuclearenergy #oilandgas #marine #fabrication #steelfabrication #pipefittings #pipesupplier #steelsupply #flanges #valves